1. Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telematics - 螖畏渭慰蟿喂魏萎 螘谓蠈蟿畏蟿伪 韦伪蠉蟻慰蠀
Omirou 9, Tavros 177 78, Greece
2. Department of Informatics and Telecommunications - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螝伪喂蟽伪蟻喂伪谓萎蟼

Zografou 161 22, Greece
3. AGILIS S.A. STATISTICS AND INFORMATICS - 螖畏渭慰蟿喂魏萎 螘谓蠈蟿畏蟿伪 韦伪蠉蟻慰蠀
Pireos, Tavros 177 78, Greece
4. Hygeia Informatics PC - 危蠀谓慰喂魏委伪 螝慰位蠅谓伪魏委慰蠀
Voukourestiou, Athina 106 71, Greece
5. Postscriptum Communication Informatics Ltd - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
Papadiamantopoulou 4, Athina 115 28, Greece
6. RDC Informatics - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
Irous 2, Athina 104 42, Greece
7. GNOMON INFORMATICS S.A. - 危蠀谓慰喂魏委伪 螝慰位蠅谓伪魏委慰蠀
Akadimias 5, Athina 106 71, Greece
8. Noon Informatics S.A. - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
Athina 112 53, Greece
9. Prudential Informatics - 危蠀谓慰喂魏委伪 螕魏蠉味畏
Momferatou 148, Athina 114 75, Greece
10. Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR 'Demokritos' - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒纬委伪蟼 螤伪蟻伪蟽魏蔚蠀萎蟼
27, Neapoleos str &, Patriarchou Grigoriou E, Ag. Paraskevi 153 41, Greece
11. Athens University of Economics and Business - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
28is Oktovriou 76, Athina 104 34, Greece
12. CCS - Computer Control Systems S.A. - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒渭伪蟻慰蠀蟽委慰蠀
Leof. Kifisias 94-96, Marousi 151 25, Greece
13. NOON Informatics S.A - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
Acharnon 276, Athina 112 53, Greece
14. Athens Information Technology - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒渭伪蟻慰蠀蟽委慰蠀
Monumental Plaza, Building C, 1st Floor, Leof. Kifisias 44, Marousi 151 25, Greece
15. Hellenic American College - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒胃畏谓伪委蠅谓
Massalias 22, Athina 106 80, Greece
16. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螝伪喂蟽伪蟻喂伪谓萎蟼
Athina 157 72, Greece
17. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螙蠅纬蟻维蠁慰蠀
Zografou 157 73, Greece
18. University of West Attica - 螖萎渭慰蟼 螒喂纬维位蔚蠅
Agiou Spiridonos 28, Egaleo 122 43, Greece
19. Athens College - 螖畏渭慰蟿喂魏萎 螘谓蠈蟿畏蟿伪 桅喂位慰胃苇畏蟼
Stefanou Delta 15, Psichiko 154 52, Greece